Dex Filtah 2


Store it in the effects folder.

This simulates a 2nd order active RC-lowpass/bandpass filter. The amount of resonance is controling the filter curve.
With too less resonance you will not achieve a 24dB filter but only 12dB. As this is the normal behavior of analog filters, this is intentional.

- gain from 0% up to 1000%
- type: 0 - 12db lowpass, 1 - 24db lowpass, 2 - 12db bandpass, 3 - 24db bandpass
- cutoff from 0 Hz to 22050Hz
- resonance from 0 (which means no resonance) to 65534
- clipping on/off ( if off, it prevents the filter from clipping if it is self-oscillating. Real analog RC-filters can't clip when oscillating.)

Check out for some music of mine.